Monday, September 27, 2010

hydraulic circuits

hydraulic circuit

In hydraulic circuits we can see the combination of both electrical and mechanical components being used together to accomplish a task. There are 6 basic components a hydraulic circuit needs to have to be able to operate. You need hydraulic fluid, a reservoir tank to house the fluid, pipes and or hoses to allow for the flow of the fluid, a pump to move the fluid, valves to control the pressure and direction of the flow and actuators to change the hydraulic force into useful mechanical force.

A good example of the use of a hydraulic circuit that everybody would know but might not be aware of are in airplanes. The hydraulic circuit is used to control the landing gear, brakes, flaps and stabilizers.

 According to Albert W. Kemp, author of Industrial Mechanics, an actuator is: “a device that transforms fluid energy into linear or rotary mechanical force.” Cylinders and hydraulic motors are other example of actuators. If you have ever had a flat tire and had to use a tire jack you have used a cylinder. A tire jack uses two cylinders that are of different sizes to create the leverage you use to jack up your car. 

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