Monday, November 15, 2010

Preventative maintenance

Proper machine and fluid maintenance is key in extending the life of any hydraulic machinery. To help accomplish this there should be scheduled preventative maintenance preformed at periodic time intervals. Preventative maintenance helps with reducing costly downtime and it also helps catch small problems that can later turn into bigger ones. 

When performing preventative maintenance it is crucial that you follow the manufactures recommendations. Contamination of any sort, be it from dirt, sand, and anything else could cause damage to the hydraulic circuit so cleanliness is imperative. As I have stated before the heat and pressures associated with hydraulic circuits and cause severe injuries if they aren’t properly dealt with. Before any maintenance is done one must be sure that all power supply to the circuit is turned off. 

The power supply is not only electrical but also hydraulic power sources such as cylinders and accumulators. Make sure the proper lock out/ tag out/ block out labels are applied to the power supply to let other personnel know not to turn it back on. You don’t want someone else unknowingly turning on the machine while you are working on it. Replacing filters and seals at a regular time interval is also a vital part of any

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